Everything You Need in One Location

Whatever your goals are, our Elevate coaches are here to meet you where you are.

From in-person fitness and functional health, to one-on-one performance training and nutrition coaching,

we’re here to help you climb to new heights.


In-Person Fitness at CrossFit Elevate

CrossFit for all abilities in NE Calgary. At Elevate, we’re on a mission to build resilient humans that lead healthy lives and lift each other up. We offer Community Group Classes, Kids and Teen classes, specialty classes–like weightlifting, and more!


Personalized Nutrition Coaching

Our Elevate Nutrition Coaching offers a one-time nutrition assessment or the on-going support of a coach with weekly check ins. Your coach will help guide you to your goals, help you better understand tracking, macros, and educate you on how to make small changes overtime to create a sustainable diet unique to you and your lifestyle.


Personalized Performance Coaching

Our Elevate Performance Coaching includes many options to fit your lifestyle needs and goals. Work 1-on-1 with an experienced coach for a unique program written and coached specifically to your current level.

“I’ve been working with ElevateYYC for several months now for my individual performance and nutrition goals. I’ve never felt so supported, encouraged, and pushed to be my best. They met me exactly where I was and worked with me to develop a plan to get me where I wanted to go.”